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The Professional Master's Program in Animal Production and Nutrition

The Professional Master’s Degree (17th Directive/Brazilian Ministry of Education, December 28, 2009) is defined as a stricto sensu1 graduation which favors:

I - students’ formation for advanced and transformative professional practice of applied procedures and processes through the incorporation of the scientific method, enabling professionals to work in innovative and technoscientific activities;

II - the formation of qualified professionals based on the appropriation and on the application of knowledge structured in methodological rigor and in scientific fundament;

III - the incorporation and permanent updating of scientific and technological advancements as well as the qualification to apply them, focusing on management, techno-scientific production in applied research and the proposition of innovation and specific problem-solving technological improvements.

The Graduation Program in Animal Production and Nutrition aims to form students with solid technoscientific basis, preparing them to work in the bovine, poultry and swine farming sectors.

The Professional Master's Program in Animal Production and Nutrition focuses on consolidating academic verticalization at the Southeastern Minas Gerais Federal Institute, Rio Pomba Campus in order to:

  1. form human resources;

  2. develop projects that generate innovative, technological and scientific epistemologies, which contribute to sustainable development and improvement of quality of life;

  3. contribute to the areas of bovine, poultry and swine cultures through the development of products, processes, and services, emphasizing the exploration potential of the Southeast of the state of Minas Gerais.


1 Stricto sensu is a Latin expression that literally means “in specific sense”. In the context of academia, it refers to the level of study in which one can receive a Master’s or a Doctorate Degree.